
It’s Been a Long Hot Summer

August 13, 2018

Winnie the Pooh is a hero of mine.  He gets to spend all that time outdoors and he sees the world through the eyes of one who doesn’t overthink things, as I often do. Pooh once remarked that “people say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”  Clever bear. And August is the perfect month to do nothing.  Most of Europe agrees.  This is the month when shop owners close up, pack up the family and disappear to the coast or the mountains for a month, – somewhere with a breeze and less heat.  The industrialized world hasn’t fully caught on to the wisdom of this logical and civilized practice.  As long as there is electricity and internet connection we slog on through rain and sleet and alarming three-digit temperatures.  The grass dies back, flowers wilt, mud bakes hard as cement, but still we haven’t the good sense to know when to come in out of the sun.  And in recent years August also marks fire season, – that time when things have become tinder dry and it only takes the tiniest spark to ignite a catastrophic conflagration that alters our landscape and our lives.  Summer is getting hotter too.  Meteorologists announce new record temperatures, new record acres of burned land, new record meltings around the world.  The great Northwest Passage is open because of it.  I lay awake worrying about our future sometimes, but we’ve weathered extremes before.  The world will probably go on, just in a different way. When things change too much for our delicate carbon units to withstand we are forced to consider the biologist’s mantra, “adapt, migrate, or die.”  After a lifetime of corporate migration I’d rather adapt than take on yet another move, and if it is getting warmer all over the globe where is there to move to anyway?  To quote Winnie the Pooh, “Bother!”  The day is reaching the apex of its revolution around the sun.  There are a million things I should do, but there is a popsicle calling my name in a rather appealing sort of way. I know that fall will eventually come and then I will be complaining about the cold again.  It’s been a long hot summer and all too soon it will be gone.